Nature Lovers Tour


As a result of  investigation by Show Lanka team , this Tour package specially  offer for the clients who willing to spend their holiday with natural beauty such as wild animals , birds and rain forests

Day 01-02-03 (Sinharaja Rain Forest Accommodation at Matin’s Loge)

Sinharaja rain forest is the country’s last viable area of primary tropical rainforest. More than 60% of the trees are endemic and many of them are considered rare. There is much endemic wildlife, especially birds, but the reserve is also home to over 50% of Sri Lanka’s endemic species of mammals and butterflies, as well as many kinds of insects, reptiles and rare amphibians

Day 04-05 (Udawalawa NP Accommodation Grand safari hotel )

Day 04 -:Wawlpane Bats cave

This is one of the oldest preserved natural lime stone cave in Sri Lanka. There are thousand of bats in the cave.

Day 05 (Udawalawa NP)

Udawalawe is undoubtedly the place in Sri Lanka to see wild Elephants throughout the year: there are about 500 elephants in the park and they often roam in herds of up to 100. Udawalawe National Park is unique in terms of consistency in numbers of elephants roaming the park: it has no a seasonal variation in herds of elephants. The best hours to visit the park are in the mornings and evening.

Day 06 (Kumana  NP- Accommodation at Arugambe)

Kumana National Park  is the most important and most popular bird sanctuary in Sri Lanka.There are able to watch over 200 species easily.During April–September,  thousands of birds as pelicans, painted storks, spoonbills, white ibis, herons, egrets and many water birds at the lagoons.Even European Bee-eaters,Chestnut-headed Bee-eaters,  red -wattled lapwing,and few mammals as leopard,Elephants easily watching

Day 07-08-09 (Yala NP Accommodation at Yala Bungalow in the park)

Yala national park

Yala is the second  largest and most famous National park with Yala West (Ruhuna) combining a strict nature reserve with the Park. Sri Lanka boasts the world’s largest population of leopards. You can see through this national park Leopard, elephant and many smaller animals, sloth bears, deer, wild boar, buffaloes, crocodiles and monkeys. Birds are in profusion – up to 130 species

Day 10-11 Bentota(accommodation as Floating Room)

Sri Lanka  beach at sunset.
Sri Lanka beach at sunset.

Blowhole – Dikwella

Light house Dewndara(Dondra)

Located at southernmost point sri lanka. it was established 1889 by British  government.It’s tallest light house (160′)in srilanka.  Present maintain by port authority.

Turtles at Kosgoda

watching Live Turtles at Beruwala beach on night as Loggerhead,Green,Leatherback,Hawksbill, etc

Maduganga river boat safari

A boat trip is a wonderful way of seeing some of the hundreds of species of plants and animal’s monkeys eat fruit in the trees, a water monitor lizard glides slowly through the water, and cormorants, egrets and kingfishers wait patiently on the trees, the water for prey.

Day 12 Negombo Beach (relax at the Beach)

Colombo is capital city of sri lanka.Able to visit few places as national Museum,Gangaramaya Buddhist temple etc, and shopping.

Day 13 Airport departure.