
Nature Lovers Tour


As a result of  investigation by Show Lanka team , this Tour package specially  offer for the clients who willing to spend their holiday with natural beauty such as wild animals , birds and rain forests

Day 01-02-03 (Sinharaja Rain Forest Accommodation at Matin’s Loge)

Sinharaja rain forest is the country’s last viable area of primary tropical rainforest. More than 60% of the trees are endemic and many of them are considered rare. There is much endemic wildlife, especially birds, but the reserve is also home to over 50% of Sri Lanka’s endemic species of mammals and butterflies, as well as many kinds of insects, reptiles and rare amphibians

Day 04-05 (Udawalawa NP Accommodation Grand safari hotel )

Day 04 -:Wawlpane Bats cave

This is one of the oldest preserved natural lime stone cave in Sri Lanka. There are thousand of bats in the cave.

Day 05 (Udawalawa NP)

Udawalawe is undoubtedly the place in Sri Lanka to see wild Elephants throughout the year: there are about 500 elephants in the park and they often roam in herds of up to 100. Udawalawe National Park is unique in terms of consistency in numbers of elephants roaming the park: it has no a seasonal variation in herds of elephants. The best hours to visit the park are in the mornings and evening.

Day 06 (Kumana  NP- Accommodation at Arugambe)

Kumana National Park  is the most important and most popular bird sanctuary in Sri Lanka.There are able to watch over 200 species easily.During April–September,  thousands of birds as pelicans, painted storks, spoonbills, white ibis, herons, egrets and many water birds at the lagoons.Even European Bee-eaters,Chestnut-headed Bee-eaters,  red -wattled lapwing,and few mammals as leopard,Elephants easily watching

Day 07-08-09 (Yala NP Accommodation at Yala Bungalow in the park)

Yala national park

Yala is the second  largest and most famous National park with Yala West (Ruhuna) combining a strict nature reserve with the Park. Sri Lanka boasts the world’s largest population of leopards. You can see through this national park Leopard, elephant and many smaller animals, sloth bears, deer, wild boar, buffaloes, crocodiles and monkeys. Birds are in profusion – up to 130 species

Day 10-11 Bentota(accommodation as Floating Room)

Sri Lanka  beach at sunset.
Sri Lanka beach at sunset.

Blowhole – Dikwella

Light house Dewndara(Dondra)

Located at southernmost point sri lanka. it was established 1889 by British  government.It’s tallest light house (160′)in srilanka.  Present maintain by port authority.

Turtles at Kosgoda

watching Live Turtles at Beruwala beach on night as Loggerhead,Green,Leatherback,Hawksbill, etc

Maduganga river boat safari

A boat trip is a wonderful way of seeing some of the hundreds of species of plants and animal’s monkeys eat fruit in the trees, a water monitor lizard glides slowly through the water, and cormorants, egrets and kingfishers wait patiently on the trees, the water for prey.

Day 12 Negombo Beach (relax at the Beach)

Colombo is capital city of sri lanka.Able to visit few places as national Museum,Gangaramaya Buddhist temple etc, and shopping.

Day 13 Airport departure.


General Tour



mentioned package  consisting of main locations around the island such as Sigiriya,Polonnaruwa,Kandy etc.It’s comfortable  with families and small groups.

Negombo Fish market / Day 01(Sigiriya)

Meet and greet in the airport drive to Negombo fish market.Negombo is second larges city in western province.the fish market located near the negombo lagoon. Fishermans already start Fishes offloade from the boats before 5.00am.there are few wooden tables cut fishes easily and many kind of fishes as lobster, crab, prawns tuna,  even sharks.

Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage

A place you will really enjoy and never forget.Started in 1972 the Elephant Orphanage It was relocated to at the present Place in 1975 . You can see milk feeding , Bathing at Ma Oya just in front of the orphanage.

Ancient city of Sigiriya

The rock fortress regarded as the eighth wonder of the ancient world, was built by king Kassapa in the 5th century A.D and was royal citadel for more than one year. It is a complex of buildings, part-royal palace, and part fortified town, and water gardens on par with the best in the ancient world, constitute a magnificent and unique architectural feat of the ancient Sinhalese

Ayurveda Spa -(Night stay at Sigiriya)

The holistic approach to health,where body,mind and soul are inextricably linked,seeks to balance the body’s energies to ensure good health and a feeling of well-being.A comprehensive treatment includes massage,herbal baths,oil treatment and a special diet,as well as meditations,Yoga and music.Ayurveda is used to treat everything from stress to diabetes,migraine,asthma,arthritis and high blood pressure,helps boost the immune system and may even help delay the ageing process.

Ancient city of Anuradhapuraya or Polonaruwa: Day 02

leave from hotel 08.30 – 09.00 am

Ancient City of Anuradhapuraya

The Mahawansa is a very important historiography of philosophy in was made by monk of Mahanama.According to Mahawansa Anuradapura was build by major Anurada,as inhabited country 543 BC period of wijaya king. However king of Pandukabaya improved this village with so many facilities 382.BC Anuradapura is primus city in the world kept 1500 years continuously.

Ancient City of Polonnaruwa


Mahawansa said Polonnaruwa is second capital city in sri lanka.the Anuradapura first kingdom currently came down with many reasons.Specially they failed stabilize  the tendance in each regions  as south indian invasion.king of v Mihindu was conduct Polonnaruwa as administration center 1017AD.but he carried to india as a prisoner by Chola.Anyway king of parakrabahu was build the polonnaruwa as main economic center 1153 AD and he united  this motherland on that time.

Bullock cart ride and canoeing in Hiriwadunna lake  (Night stay at sigiriya)

Sri Lankan’s used bullock cart as a main transportation many years ago. also there are provide bullock cart with two bull go to’s 30 – 40 minutes and canoeing in the lake same time.(with life jackets)will be visit to chena (cultivated area)   meet farmers  get lunch or dinner as your request.

Elephant ride at Habarana  – Day – 03( Kandy )

leave from hotel 08.30 – 09.00 am

There are many Places providing Elephant ride safe and enjoyable.
Cave Buddhist temple of Dambulla

The old names are Dambulu lena,swarnagiri vihara with five’s located Matale district.The caves adapted maditation for monks period of walagamba(Watta Gamini Abaya) 104 BC.the statues and painting related to Buddha life and make colours with local raw materials.

Ancient temple of Nalanda Gedige

Nalanda gedige is a Stone Temple  look likes Hindu Temple . But  ,inside can see both Hindu God’s & Biddha ‘s statues .The First Build was 7 C -8 C by king Manabharana .As per popular usage there was a sign of the  beginning of sinhalese  in statue of Lion .

Ayurveda herbal  Garden (spice road) – (Night stay at Kandy.)

Many herbal gardens are both side of spice road.Srilanka Spices were very important During ancient times Greeks, Romans and the Arabic for trade.there are many kind of spices as cinnamon,cardamom,pepper,vanilla etc.

Royal Botanic Garden – Day 04 ( Kandy )

leave from hotel 08.30 – 09.00 am

Sri lanka larges botanic garden located Kandy Peredeniya.The history of botanic garden dates as far back 1371 AD when king Wikkrama bahu ascended the throne and kept court at near mahaweli river.Later, in the reign of king kirthi sri 1747AD to 1780AD this was made a royal garden and from 1780AD – 1798AD king of Rajadi Rajasinha resided therein.  The garden biggest 59 hectares and spices under cultivation  over four thousand and many kind of flowers.

Kandy down town local market.
Kandy is second largest city in the country and, it is last kingdom in sri lanka.King of sri Wikkrama Rajasiha govern until 02nd march 1815.The city famous for shopping  as reason so many different kind of shops there and prices quite reasonable less than Colombo.
Culture  Dance

The dance is conducting with srilanka’s culture it’s really interesting with drams,dance with fire,masks etc.

Tooth Relics Temple  – (Night stay at Kandy.)

The most excellent majesty holy place in the world with Buddhism. After the parinirvana of Buddha preserved relics by princes Hemmala and Dhantha.The period of king Kirthi Sri Megawarna (301-328AD) They arrived to island(the Place Lankapatuna)Kept relics at Isurumuni vihara(Megagiri viharaya) in Anuradapura.However,when was change kingdom also tooth relics kept different places as protection.Be Possibility visit there in the evening.

Gem Logical Museum and workshop  – Day 05 (Nuwara Eliya)

leave from hotel 08.30 – 09.00 am

Srilanka has the wide variety of precious stones among the world’s gem producing countries – blue sapphires,star sapphires,rubies,cat’s.garnets,moonstones,aquamarines and topazes being just a dazzling handful.

Handicraft Work Shop
handicraft workshop
handicraft workshop

there’s much in between .Visit a handicraft shop and familiarize yourself  with traditional designs such as makara(a mythical animal,lion,swan,elephant and louts which are most evident in brasswork (Boxes,trays,lanterns,vases) and silverware (ornately carved and filigree jewellery,tea-sets)that make excellent souvenirs.

Batik Factory

Batik is an art medium and methodology for creating design, usually on cloth, by applying wax to portions of the material and then dyeing it, then removing the wax. This can be done to make vibrant colors and incredible designs.

Ramboda water Fall

Ramboda Falls is 109m high and 11th highest waterfall in Sri Lanka and 729th highest waterfall
in the world

Tea Field and Factory   –  (Night stay at Nuwara Eliya.)

In 1824 a tea plant  was brought from China by the British and planted in the Royal Botanical Gardens, Peradeniya, Ceylon.Tea cultivation was established in 1867   by James Taylor in Sri Lanka, and is now produced year round  in the central highlands and southern regions of this beautiful tropical island. Based on the altitude at which it is grown tea is classified as high, medium or low grown teas.

Horton Plains and Nuwara Eliya   Day 06 ( Ella )


leave from hotel 05.00 – 05.30 am
Situated at around 2000m above sea level and surrounded by lush tea plantations. Nuwara Eliya is the main hill resort of Sri Lanka and the heart of the tea industry. This city with an elevation of 6200 meters is the highest in Sri Lanka. Once a pleasure retreats of the European planters the town is still very much an English town with many English style bungalows and buildings.

Walk alone through the silent  plain of Horton to the end of the world. Stand 2,000 metres high,this park consists of open grasslands interpenetrated with umbrella shaped mountain forest patches .the plains are of  stupendous  beauty and contains most of the endemic plants and animals.

Train Journey / Nuwara Eliya to Ella (optional )  (Night stay at Ella.)

Most of visitors are enjoy with srilanken train journey   N / Eliya  to Ella. . The journey is fanny,  interesting with local people, and the track  is hillside with water falls,tea field etc.


Ella is a beautiful small village in Sri Lanka’s hill country. It has an almost perfect climate and occupies a very scenic vantage point, with Some of the places you could see in Ella are the Ella Gap, Ravana Ella Falls, Little Adam’s Peak and Bambaragala Peak among the other many varied pleasant walks with stunning scenery.

Buduruwagala Stone Temple.-Day 07 Yala

leave from hotel 08.30 – 09.00 am

Buduruwagala is an ancient Buddhist temple in Sri Lanka  and it’s a magical archeological site .The complex consists of seven statues  and the highest one 16 mtrs .The images including Mahayana tradition .The statues date back to 10 or 9  century AD .Close to the right foot of the Buddha is a hole in the shape of an oil lamp flame it’s rendered the history of unbelievable  sculptures of Sri Lanka .

Yala National Park – (Night stay at Thissamaharamaya.)

Yala is the second  largest and most famous National park with Yala West (Ruhuna) combining a strict nature reserve with the Park. Sri Lanka boasts the world’s largest population of leopards.Possibility  see  this national park Leopard, elephant and many smaller animals, sloth bears, deer, wild boar, buffaloes, crocodiles and monkeys. Birds are in profusion – up to 130 species.

Blow Hole – Day 08 (Mirisa,Ahangama or Hikkaduwa)

leave from hotel 08.30 – 09.00 am

Blow hole is located on the suthern Sri Lanka Coast .the Ocen water flows underneath the shore ,and then comes out of this hole due to Pressure .Water shoots up every Mimute or so , and it gives very serene feeling . The spray is often as high as 25m .Giving on lookers a Seabath on Land.

Light house at Devinuwara  (Night stay at Mirissa,Ahangama or Hikkaduwa.)

The Lighthouse was built by British in 1894 at Devinuwara (Dondra edge). It is about172 feets hight at sea level and considered as the largest lighthouse in southern Asia.

Whales and Dolphins Watching – Day – 09 (Night stay at Mirissa,Ahangama or Hikkaduwa.)

Whale and dolphin watching in Mirissa is one of the most exciting water activities you can do in Sri Lanka during your holiday.

Mirissa is the best place to start your whale and dolphin watching tour in Sri Lanka. In warm Indian ocean you can see Blue whales, Bryde´s whales, Sperm whales, Fin whales, sometimes Killer whales, and Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins, Spinner dolphins, Risso’s dolphins and Striped dolphins. Sometimes you can see turtles and various fish species, for example Bluefin tuna and flying fish.

Air Port Transfer  –  Day  10  (depend your Flight Time)

Gall fort

Galle Fort, in the Bay of Galle on the south east coast of Sri Lanka, was built first in 1588 by the Portuguese,then extensively fortified by the Dutch during the 17th century from 1649 onwards.

Sea corals garden

The Coral Garden here is considered to be the best out of all such coral gardens found in Asia.These corals are found in various forms , shapes and colours. They are a very fascinating sightcorals.especially when there is bright sunlight which gives a very clearer view of the corals.

River safari -Maduganga

Maadu ganga flows across Balapitiya  and is one of the rarely visited, unspoiled attractions any nature lover can find in Sri Lanka. She boasts of having a cluster of 64 small islands scattered along her path and the most of which are covered with mangroves and uninhabited.


Historical Tours


Those who wiling to exploration about history of the Island , they are able to   examine the history of Sri Lanka over 2500 years

Route and sightseeing in this tour package – Day 01 (Yapahuwa)

Negombo Fish market

Meet and greet in the airport drive to Negombo fish market.Negombo is second larges city in western province.the fish market located near the negombo lagoon. Fishermans already start Fishes offloade from the boats before 5.00am.there are few wooden tables cut fishes easily and many kind of fishes as lobster, crab, prawns tuna,  even sharks

Ancient City of Yapahuwwa – (Night stay at Yapahuwwa)

The prominent rock at Yapahuwa and its accompanying ruins are of interest because of the brief part they played in the long drama of the sacred Tooth Relic. After the death of King Prakramabahu II, Sri Lanka fell into chaos again with various factions vying with each other for power. In 1272 Bhauvanekabahu I became king and moved his capital from Polonnaruwa to Yapahuwa taking the Tooth Relic with him. Yapahuwa had been the stronghold of a general called Subha and Bhauvanekabahu set about strengthening it and making it suitable as a royal residence

Ancient City of Anuradhapuraya – Day 02

leave from hotel 08.30 – 09.00 am

Anuradhapura was first settled by Anuradha, a follower of Prince Vijaya the founder of the Sinhala race. Later, it was made the Capital by King Pandukabhaya about 380 B.C. According to the Mahavamsa, the epic of Sinhala History, King Pandukabhaya’s city was a model of planning. Precincts were set aside for huntsmen, for scavengers and for heretics as well as for foreigners. There were hostels and hospitals, at least one Jain chapel, and cemeteries for high and low castes. A water supply was assured by the construction of tanks, artificial reservoirs, of which the one called after himself exists to this day under the altered name of Baswakkulam

Ancient City of Polonnaruwa – Day 03

leave from hotel 08.30 – 09.00 am


Mahawansa said Polonnaruwa is second capital city in sri lanka.the Anuradapura first kingdom currently came down with many reasons.Specially they failed stabilize  the tendance in each regions  as south indian invasion.king of v Mihindu was conduct Polonnaruwa as administration center 1017AD.but he carried to india as a prisoner by soleen.Anyway king of parakrabahu was build the polonnaruwa as main economic center 1153 AD and he united  this motherland on that time

Ayurveda Spa – (Night stay at sigiriya)

The holistic approach to health,where body,mind and soul are inextricably linked,seeks to balance the body’s energies to ensure good health and a feeling of well-being.A comprehensive treatment includes massage,herbal baths,oil treatment and a special diet,as well as meditations,Yoga and music.Ayurveda is used to treat everything from stress to diabetes,migraine,asthma, arthritis and high blood pressure,helps boost the immune system and may even help delay the ageing process.


Ancient city of Sigiriya – Day 04

leave from hotel 08.30 – 09.00 am

The rock fortress regarded as the eighth wonder of the ancient world, was built by king Kassapa in the 5th century A.D and was royal citadel for more than one year. It is a complex of buildings, part-royal palace, and part fortified town, and water gardens on par with the best in the ancient world, constitute a magnificent and unique architectural feat of the ancient Sinhalese.

Bullock cart ride and canoeing in Hiriwadunna lake  (Night stay at sigiriya)

Srilanken’s used bullock cart as a main transportation many years ago. also there are provide bullock cart with two bull go to’s 30 – 40 minutes and canoeing in the lake same time.(with life jackets)will be visit to chena (cultivated area)   meet farmers  get lunch or dinner as your request.

Elephant ride at Habarana –  Day – 05 (Kandy)

leave from hotel 08.30 – 09.00 am

There are many Places providing Elephant ride safe and enjoyable.

Cave Buddhist temple of Dambulla

The old names are Dambulu lena,swarnagiri vihara with five’s located Matale district.The caves adapted maditation for monks period of walagamba(Watta Gamini Abaya) 104 BC.the statues and painting related to Buddha life and make colours with local raw materials.

Ancient temple of Nalanda Gedige

Nalanda gedige is a Stone Temple  look likes Hindu Temple . But  ,inside can see both Hindu God’s & Biddha ‘s statues .The First Build was 7 C -8 C by king Manabharana .As per popular usage there was a sign of the  beginning of sinhalese  in statue of Lion .

Ayurveda herbal  Garden (spice road) – (Night stay at Kandy)

Many herbal gardens are both side of spice road.Srilanka Spices were very important During ancient times Greeks, Romans and the Arabic for trade.there are many kind of spices as cinnamon,cardamom,pepper,vanilla etc.

Royal Botanic Garden – Day 06 (Kandy)

leave from hotel 08.30 – 09.00 am

Sri lanka larges botanic garden located Kandy Peredeniya.The history of botanic garden dates as far back 1371 AD when king Wikkrama bahu ascended the throne and kept court at near mahaweli river.Later, in the reign of king kirthi sri 1747AD to 1780AD this was made a royal garden and from 1780AD – 1798AD king of Rajadi Rajasinha resided therein.  The garden biggest 59 hectares and spices under cultivation  over four thousand and many kind of flowers.

Kandy down town local market

Kandy is second largest city in the country and, it is last kingdom in sri lanka.King of sri Wikkrama Rajasiha govern until 02nd march 1815.The city famous for shopping  as reason so many different kind of shops there and prices quite reasonable less than Colombo.

Culture  Dance

The dance is conducting with srilanka’s culture it’s really interesting with drams,dance with fire,masks etc.

Tooth Relics Temple – (Night stay at Kandy.)

The most excellent majesty holy place in the world with Buddhism. After the parinirvana of Buddha preserved relics by princes Hemmala and Dhantha.The period of king Kirthi Sri Megawarna (301-328AD) They arrived to island(the Place Lankapatuna)Kept relics at Isurumuni vihara(Megagiri viharaya) in Anuradapura.However,when was change kingdom also tooth relics kept different places as protection.Be Possibility visit there in the evening.

Gem Logical Museum and workshop  – Day 07 (Adam’s peak)

leave from hotel 08.30 – 09.00 am

Srilanka has the wide variety of precious stones among the world’s gem producing countries – blue sapphires,star sapphires,rubies,cat’s.garnets,moonstones,aquamarines and topazes being just a dazzling handful.

Handicraft Work Shop

And there’s much in between .Visit a handicraft shop and familiarize yourself  with traditional designs such as makara(a mythical animal,lion,swan,elephant and louts which are most evident in brasswork (Boxes,trays,lanterns,vases) and silverware (ornately carved and filigree jewellery,tea-sets)that make excellent souvenirs

Batik Factory

Batik is an art medium and methodology for creating design, usually on cloth, by applying wax to portions of the material and then dyeing it, then removing the wax. This can be done to make vibrant colors and incredible designs.

White water Rafting

White water rafting & Canyoning on kelani river -Kithulgala

Adam’s Peak – (Night stay at Adam’s Peak.)

Adam’s Peak or the Sripada “mountain of Sacred Footprint of Sri Lanka” is an ancient pilgrimage site. This conical mountain of 2,243 m high has a unique distinction of being sacred to the followers of four religions. It is highly revered by followers of four religions: Buddhism, Christianity,Hinduism and Islamism.climb up 01.30 am early morning

Ella – Day 08 – 09  (Night stay at  Ella)

leave from hotel 09.30 – 10.00 am

Ella is a beautiful small village in Sri Lanka’s hill country. It has an almost perfect climate and occupies a very scenic vantage point, with Some of the places you could see in Ella are the Ella Gap, Ravana Ella Falls, Little Adam’s Peak and Bambaragala Peak among the other many varied pleasant walks with stunning scenery. There is special concept regarding Ravana before 8000 years ago. Ravana was an evil character. That is the reason why he is burnt or his effigy is burnt on the day of Dashera. You can visit Ravana Cave today also.

Ravana Cave at Ella

Ravana cave is rather small and fits snugly on the slopes of a hill which lies in a forest about 2 kilometres away from the picturesque town of Ella. Once inside the cave, there are several smaller caves which run deep into the main cave wall. Legend has it that this cave was used by Ravana the king of devils, to hide the beautiful Sita whom he kidnapped from Rama. It is also said to be part of a network of tunnels which leads to the Dowa rock temple at Bandarawela.

Buduruwagala Stone Temple –  Day 10 (Yala)

Buduruwagala is an ancient Buddhist temple in Sri Lanka  and it’s a magical archeological site .The complex consists of seven statues  and the highest one 16 mtrs .The images including Mahayana tradition .The statues date back to 10 or 9  century AD .Close to the right foot of the Buddha is a hole in the shape of an oil lamp flame it’s rendered the history of unbelievable  sculptures of Sri Lanka .

Yala National Park – (Night stay at Thissamaharamaya.)

Yala is the second  largest and most famous National park with Yala West (Ruhuna) combining a strict nature reserve with the Park. Sri Lanka boasts the world’s largest population of leopards.Possibility  see  this national park Leopard, elephant and many smaller animals, sloth bears, deer, wild boar, buffaloes, crocodiles and monkeys. Birds are in profusion – up to 130 species.

Blow Hole – Day 11  (Mirisa,Ahangama or Hikkaduwa)

leave from hotel 08.30 – 09.00 am

Blow hole is located on the suthern Sri Lanka Coast .the Ocen water flows underneath the shore ,and then comes out of this hole due to Pressure .Water shoots up every Mimute or so , and it gives very serene feeling . The spray is often as high as 25m .Giving on lookers a Seabath on Land

Light house at Devinuwara (Night stay at Mirissa,Ahangama or Hikkaduwa.)

The Lighthouse was built by British in 1894 at Devinuwara (Dondra edge). It is about172 feets hight at sea level and considered as the largest lighthouse in southern Asia

End Of Tour

Traditional Tours


Main attention for culture aspects  of various ethnic groups in the society of Sri Lanka such as religion , belief ,sacrifice, cooking & foods , cultivation and health

01 & 02  Days -CAMPING

“Sri Lanka – described by Marco Polo as the most beautiful island in the world”, It is a memorable experience in the lush green environment with a tropical climate. Wilderness camping in Sri Lanka is the most exciting way to stay overnight in nature.You can get newest strange Sri Lankan Traditional experience from this camping. At the night you can go to jungle after few traveling few ways. canoe ride after the canoe ride you have to go with cow cart after that ride you will be able to come place which sinhala is called “Pela” a hut which is on the tree. in that place you can take beer with B.B.Q with traditional Sri Lankan music. In Mid night you can go safari in that jungle. You can get unforgettable enjoyment with this journey.

03 Day – KANDY

Kandy 116km; the citadel of the hills. Set like a jewel among green mountains chains, Kandy Lake and girdled by the Mahweli Ganga, Sri Lanka’s longest river, the capital of the Island’s last independent Kingdom has retained a distinctive identity and character. Kandy is the repository of Sri Lanka’s traditional art and crafts.


aborigines in sri lanka
aborigines in sri lanka

The unspoiled children of nature Sri Lanka’s aboriginal inhabitants, the Veddhas, are truly a fascinating people. Descended from the country’s stone age inhabitants, these primitive folk cling tenaciously to their age-old life-style by living off the hunt and gathering the fruit of the land, despite the ongoing process of industrialization and modernization. The Veddhas are proud of their distinct sylvan heritage and call themselves Vanniyalette, Those of the forest

05 Day – ADAM’S PEAK

Adam’s Peak is a 2,243 meters (7,359 ft) tall conical mountain located in central Sri Lanka. It is well-known for the Sri Pada “sacred footprint”, a 1.8 am rock formation near the summit, in Buddhist tradition held to be the footprint of the Buddha, in Hindu tradition that of Shiva, in Christian tradition that of St. Thomas, and in Muslim tradition that of Adam.

06 Day – ELLA

Ella is a beautiful small village in Sri Lanka’s hill country. It has an almost perfect climate and occupies a very scenic vantage point, with Some of the places you could see in Ella are the Ella Gap, Ravana Ella Falls, Little Adam’s Peak and Bambaragala Peak among the other many varied pleasant walks with stunning scenery.


Yala is the largest and most famous National park with Yala West (Ruhuna) combining a strict nature reserve with the Park. Sri Lanka boasts the world’s largest population of leopards. You can see through this national park Leopard, elephant and many smaller animals, sloth bears, deer, wild boar, buffaloes, crocodiles and monkeys. Birds are in profusion – up to 130 species.


Sinharaja Rain Forest is the country’s last viable area of primary tropical rainforest. More than 60% of the trees are endemic and many of them are considered rare. There is much endemic wildlife, especially birds, but the reserve is also home to over 50% of Sri Lanka’s endemic species of mammals and butterflies, as well as many kinds of insects, reptiles and rare amphibians.

09, 10, 11 Days – MEDITATION

Meditation is generally an internally-invoked, personal practice, which an individual can do by themselves. Prayer beads or other ritual objects may be used during meditation. Meditation may involve invoking or cultivating a feeling or internal state, such as compassion, or attending to a specific focal point. The term can refer to the state itself, as well as to practices or techniques employed to cultivate the state.


1 st match – Between schools

2 nd Match -Mixed with guests and School student

3rd Match – Mixed with guests and School student

4th Match – School students and Guests for a cup

13, 14, 15 Days – WELLNESS PROGRAMME

The herbs and herbal ingredients used in the Ayurveda therapies offered by the specialized Ayurveda hotels & wellness SPA’s come from age-old formulas passed down from generation to generation of traditional Sri Lankan Ayurvedic families in Sri Lanka. Discover healing for the mind, body and spirit – the tradition of Ayurveda, practiced in Sri Lanka for thousands of years offers a holistic approach to well being.


If some one like to be Team leader he will be offered free of charge package with conditions

Traditional tours II

bbq night
bbq night

“Sri Lanka – described by Marco Polo as the most beautiful island in the world”, It is a memorable experience in the lush green environment with a tropical climate. Wilderness camping in Sri Lanka is the most exciting way to stay overnight in nature.You can get newest strange Sri Lankan Traditional experience from this camping. At the night you can go to jungle after few traveling few ways. canoe ride after the canoe ride you have to go with cow cart after that ride you will be able to come place which sinhala is called “Pela” a hut which is on the tree. in that place you can take beer with B.B.Q with traditional Sri Lankan music. In Mid night you can go safari in that jungle. You can get unforgettable enjoyment with this journey.


aborigines in sri lanka
aborigines in sri lanka

The unspoiled children of nature Sri Lanka’s aboriginal inhabitants, the Veddhas, are truly a fascinating people. Descended from the country’s stone age inhabitants, these primitive folk cling tenaciously to their age-old life-style by living off the hunt and gathering the fruit of the land, despite the ongoing process of industrialization and modernization. The Veddhas are proud of their distinct sylvan heritage and call themselves Vanniyalette, Those of the forest

04 Day – ADAM’S PEAK

Adam’s Peak is a 2,243 meters (7,359 ft) tall conical mountain located in central Sri Lanka. It is well-known for the Sri Pada “sacred footprint”, a 1.8 am rock formation near the summit, in Buddhist tradition held to be the footprint of the Buddha, in Hindu tradition that of Shiva, in Christian tradition that of St. Thomas, and in Muslim tradition that of Adam.

05 Day – ELLA

Ella is a beautiful small village in Sri Lanka’s hill country. It has an almost perfect climate and occupies a very scenic vantage point, with Some of the places you could see in Ella are the Ella Gap, Ravana Ella Falls, Little Adam’s Peak and Bambaragala Peak among the other many varied pleasant walks with stunning scenery.

06, 07, 08 Days – MEDITATION

Meditation is generally an internally-invoked, personal practice, which an individual can do by themselves. Prayer beads or other ritual objects may be used during meditation. Meditation may involve invoking or cultivating a feeling or internal state, such as compassion, or attending to a specific focal point. The term can refer to the state itself, as well as to practices or techniques employed to cultivate the state.


1 st match – Between schools

2 nd Match -Mixed with guests and School student

3rd Match – Mixed with guests and School student

4th Match – School students and Guests for a cup

10, 11, 12 Days – WELLNESS PROGRAMME

The herbs and herbal ingredients used in the Ayurveda therapies offered by the specialized Ayurveda hotels & wellness SPA’s come from age-old formulas passed down from generation to generation of traditional Sri Lankan Ayurvedic families in Sri Lanka. Discover healing for the mind, body and spirit – the tradition of Ayurveda, practiced in Sri Lanka for thousands of years offers a holistic approach to well being.


If some one like to be Team leader he will be offered free of charge package with conditions

Hill country Tours

hill country train
hill country train

This Tour package is most famous among the Travelers of middle east Countries and for the relaxing travelers .consisting of beautiful hill side sceneries,Tea fields & water falls


Hunasgiriya mountain range with a latitude of 7.3 (7° 17′ 60 N) and a longitude of 80.85 (80° 50′ 60 E), a waterfall cascades through the steeply-banked tea and spice plantations to end in the small lake alongside which this hotel is situated. This is a land of fascinating sunsets, early-morning mists and relative cool, where temperatures average between 17-25C by day, and as low as 10C at night.

02 & 03 Days – KANDY

Kandy 116km; the citadel of the hills. Set like a jewel among green mountains chains, Kandy Lake and girdled by the Mahweli Ganga, Sri Lanka’s longest river, the capital of the Island’s last independent Kingdom has retained a distinctive identity and character. Kandy is the repository of Sri Lanka’s traditional art and crafts.

04 Days – ADAMS’PEAK


Adam’s Peak is a 2,243 metres (7,359 ft) tall conical mountain located in central Sri Lanka. It is well-known for the Sri Pada “sacred footprint”, a 1.8 m rock formation near the summit, in Buddhist tradition held to be the footprint of the Buddha, in Hindu tradition that of Shiva, in Christian tradition that of St. Thomas, and in Muslim tradition that of Adam..



Situated at around 2000m above sea level and surrounded by lush tea plantations. Nuwara Eliya is the main hill resort of Sri Lanka and the heart of the tea industry. This city with an elevation of 6200 meters is the highest in Sri Lanka. Once a pleasure retreats of the European planters the town is still very much an English town with many English style bungalows and buildings.

Worlds End

Worlds End means the place which has highest gap in Sri Lanka. This place is situated at the border of Nuwaraeliya, Badulla and Rathnapura districts and also   Horton plains which is highest plain in Sri Lanka. There has two worlds ends one of the small worlds end and other one is big worlds end. The big worlds end is higher than other gaps. You can Travel to this place via Nuwaraeliya,  Pattipola, Ambewela road  or via Boralanda,   Ohiya road.There are a lot of beautiful places and a lot of beautiful scenarios can be seen in down side of Words End at clear time. In the  morning time the down side is very clear and viewed long distance and beautiful sceneries.

06 Day –ELLA

Ella is a beautiful small village in Sri Lanka’s hill country. It has an almost perfect climate and occupies a very scenic vantage point, with Some of the places you could see in Ella are the Ella Gap, Ravana Ella Falls, Little Adam’s Peak and Bambaragala Peak among the other many varied pleasant walks with stunning scenery.


Sinharaja Rain Forest is the country’s last viable area of primary tropical rainforest. More than 60% of the trees are endemic and many of them are considered rare. There is much endemic wildlife, especially birds, but the reserve is also home to over 50% of Sri Lanka’s endemic species of mammals and butterflies, as well as many kinds of insects, reptiles and rare amphibians.


South Coastal area is very famous to spend your vacation on beach. Through this area you can get entertainment with Dolphin watching, Whale watching, Coral, and live Turtle and turtle farms. It’s depend on guest request.


Honeymoon Tour


The locations selected for this package is consisting with low temperature as Nuwaraeliya , Ella , Hunnasgiriya , Haputhale  and Beach side

01  & 02  Days   – HUNNASGIRIYA

Hunasgiriya mountain range with a latitude of 7.3 (7° 17′ 60 N) and a longitude of 80.85 (80° 50′ 60 E), a waterfall cascades through the steeply-banked tea and spice plantations to end in the small lake alongside which this hotel is situated. This is a land of fascinating sunsets, early-morning mists and relative cool, where temperatures average between 17-25C by day, and as low as 10C at night. This place is paradise for honeymoon couples to spend their honeymoon.

03 & 04 Days – KANDY

Kandy 116km; the citadel of the hills. Set like a jewel among green mountains chains, Kandy Lake and girdled by the Mahweli Ganga, Sri Lanka’s longest river, the capital of the Island’s last independent Kingdom has retained a distinctive identity and character. Kandy is the repository of Sri Lanka’s traditional art and crafts.


Situated at around 2000m above sea level and surrounded by lush tea plantations. Nuwara Eliya is the main hill resort of Sri Lanka and the heart of the tea industry. This city with an elevation of 6200 meters is the highest in Sri Lanka. Once a pleasure retreats of the European planters the town is still very much an English town with many English style bungalows and buildings.

06 & 07 Days – BENTOTA [SOUTH  COAST]

Bentota Beach you can see live turtle and turtle farm from there and you can get another strange experience in Madu River with few island.

08 Day – COLOMBO

Sri Lankan commercial capital city is Colombo. So you can walk around city and shopping with your better half  :)


Adventure Tours


This is better for youthful & fit travelers to do hiking & tracking , water rafting , rock climbing , camping ,Kayaking & canoeing   and nature trails etc.

01 Day

“Sri Lanka – described by Marco Polo as the most beautiful island in the world”, It is a memorable experience in the lush green environment with a tropical climate. Wilderness camping in Sri Lanka is the most exciting way to stay overnight in nature.You can get newest strange Sri Lankan Traditional experience from this camping. At the night you can go to jungle after few traveling few ways. canoe ride after the canoe ride you have to go with cow cart after that ride you will be able to come place which sinhala is called “Pela” a hut which is on the tree. in that place you can take beer with B.B.Q with traditional Sri Lankan music. In Mid night you can go safari in that jungle. You can get unforgettable enjoyment with this journey.


The city of Kandy lies at an altitude of 488.6 meters (1629 feet) above sea level in the center of the island and surrounded by the ranges of mountains. It is still very much a focal point of Sri Lankan culture. It was the capitol of last generation of Sri Lanka`s kings until it fell in to the hands of British in 1815.


“Knuckles” is a huge mountain range gifted with ecological, social and historical treasures and hosts a vastly diverse indigenous flora and fauna. Having considered the significance of the Knuckles, the centre is established by the Socio-Environmental Society to facilitate local and foreign Nature lovers, Eco-tourists.


Riverston is a unique and creative gift of Mother Lanka. It is one of the best places to spend holidays and a few places to be visited like the Pitawala Pathana, mini World’s End and small waterfalls


Adam’s Peak is a 2,243 metres (7,359 ft) tall conical mountain located in central Sri Lanka. It is well-known for the Sri Pada “sacred footprint”, a 1.8 m rock formation near the summit, in Buddhist tradition held to be the footprint of the Buddha, in Hindu tradition that of Shiva, in Christian tradition that of St. Thomas, and in Muslim tradition that of Adam..



Situated at around 2000m above sea level and surrounded by lush tea plantations. Nuwara Eliya is the main hill resort of Sri Lanka and the heart of the tea industry. This city with an elevation of 6200 meters is the highest in Sri Lanka. Once a pleasure retreats of the European planters the town is still very much an English town with many English style bungalows and buildings.

Worlds End

Worlds End means the place which has highest gap in Sri Lanka. This place is situated at the border of Nuwaraeliya, Badulla and Rathnapura districts and also   Horton plains which is highest plain in Sri Lanka. There has two worlds ends one of the small worlds end and other one is big worlds end. The big worlds end is higher than other gaps. You can Travel to this place via Nuwaraeliya,  Pattipola, Ambewela road  or via Boralanda,   Ohiya road.There are a lot of beautiful places and a lot of beautiful scenarios can be seen in down side of Words End at clear time. In the  morning time the down side is very clear and viewed long distance and beautiful sceneries

07 Day –ELLA

Ella is a beautiful small village in Sri Lanka’s hill country. It has an almost perfect climate and occupies a very scenic vantage point, with Some of the places you could see in Ella are the Ella Gap, Ravana Ella Falls, Little Adam’s Peak and Bambaragala Peak among the other many varied pleasant walks with stunning scenery


08 Day –THISSA

Tissamaharama was the capital of the south-eastern region of Sri Lanka in ancient times. The quaint little town, with its Tissamaharamaya Stupa, historical importance and gorgeous ecological settings, weaves a spell around all who visit here.



Sinharaja Rain Forest is the country’s last viable area of primary tropical rainforest. More than 60% of the trees are endemic and many of them are considered rare. There is much endemic wildlife, especially birds, but the reserve is also home to over 50% of Sri Lanka’s endemic species of mammals and butterflies, as well as many kinds of insects, reptiles and rare amphibians.


South Coastal area is very famous to spend your vacation on beach. Through this area you can get entertainment with Dolphin watching, Whale watching, Coral, and live Turtle and turtle farms. It’s depend on guest request


Meditatation Tours


Meditation can help you to healthy and comfortable life. those who are like  to keep relax mind & simple life this is better for them


Rest in two days at the Beautiful Sri Lankan Costal area as your wish. Negombo, Hikkaduwa, Unawatuna, Mirissa like that areas.


An ordinary person may consider meditation as a worship or prayer. But it is not so. Meditation means awareness. Whatever you do with awareness is meditation. “Watching your breath” is meditation; listening to the birds is meditation. As long as these activities are free from any other distraction to the mind, it is effective meditation.

Meditation is not a technique but a way of life. Meditation means ‘a cessation of the thought process’ . It describes a state of consciousness, when the mind is free of scattered thoughts and various patterns . The observer (one who is doing meditation) realizes that all the activity of the mind is reduced to one.

Rest four days starting meditation program at the restful environment conducting by Buddhist Monk.


Last Day – Colombo or Air port drop

Colombo is main capital city of Sri Lanka. The ideal place to shopping at the end of your journey. It depend on guest request.

Ayurvedic Tours


Sri Lanka oldest medical science is Ayurveda. it will be help to conducting good healthy living and long life. it has better treatments even unrecognized several ailments .the duration depend on customer’s request.

Panchakarma Ayurveda Treatments

Panchakarma is Ayurveda’s primary purification and detoxification treatment. Panchakarma means the “five therapies”. These 5  therapeutic means of eliminating toxins from the body are Vamana, Virechana, Nasya, Basti and Raktamoskshana. This series of five therapies help remove deep rooted stress and illness causing toxins from the body while balancing the doshas  (energies that govern all biological functions)


Gentle pressure point massage with warm oil eases away tension and induces relaxation. It increases the circulation in your scalp to promote healthy and strong hair growth. It is especially indicated for migraine and tension, headaches, sleeping problems and for brittle hair.



Regular facial cleansing is important to remove surface grime and dirt. A good facial works by opening your pores and deep-cleaning beneath the upper layers of your epidermis. It also helps remove old and dead skin cells


The massage is performed on the back and along the spine. Back massage can have profoundly relaxing effect, lowering stress levels, easing pain and inducing a blissful state of repose.


Eliminate stress and gain new energy! Get a new body feeling after one hour’s professional massage.


Whole body massage is always given with different types of oil depending on the body type (i.e. vata, pitta, kapha, or a combination). The massage can be performed with a combination of strokes including tapping, kneading, rubbing, and squeezing. It is very beneficial for general rejuvenation, skin and musculoskeletal conditioning or problems such as obesity, body aches, and pain. Sharpen memory reduce body fat, improve skin tone and enable peaceful sleep.


During foot massage, special attention is focused on the “tender spots”. This massage produces a reflect effect on the internal organs as well as creating a combined soothing and invigorating effect. Massage of the feet prevents and cures dryness, numbness, roughness, fatigue, and cracking of the heels. It strengthens walking and running.


Traditional Thai massage is the manual medicine branch of 2500 years of traditional Thai medicine. It combines elements of yoga, shiatsu and acupressure, working with the energy pathways of the body and the therapy points that are located along these lines.


Our natural body wraps envelop you in a cocoon of natural goodness that soothes, and nourish your skin restoring its lustre and leaving it soft and supple. We recommend that you use the wraps together with a scrub to get the maximum benefit from the treatment.


Excursion Tours

Waterfalls in Sri Lanka

Some travelers doesn’t have  time  to spend  long  holiday and doesn’t  like to change the hotels day by day, Excursion package mainly focus for them. Tour package duration depend on travelers request.

01 Day

Kandy Tooth Relic Temple

Royal Botnical Garden

Ayurvedic Herbal Garden

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage.

Colombo or Air Port Departure

Option  02:

Galle Port

Moonstone at Meetiyagoda

Sea Coral at river Hikkaduwa

Turtles farm

Boat trip in Madu River.

Colombo or Air port


02 Day

Option 01:

Kandy Tooth Relic Temple

Royal Botanical Garden

Ayurvedic Herbal Garden

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage

Tea Factory

Ramboda Water fall.

Colombo or Air port Drop

Option 02

Polonnaruwa  Ancient city


Dambulla Cave Temple

Colombo or Airport Drop


03 Day


Option 01:

Kandy Tooth Relic Temple

Royal Botanical Garden

Ayurvedic Herbal Garden

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage

Tea Factory

Ramboda Water fall.

Worlds’ End [Horton Plains]

Colombo or Airport Drop

Option 02:


Dambulla Cave Temple

Nalanda Gedige

Ayurvedic herble Garden

Matale Alu Viharaya

Kandy Tooth Temple

Traditional Dance

Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage.

Colombo or Airport drop

Budget Tour

negombo beach sri lanka
negombo beach sri lanka

This Tour package specially focus for the clients who doesn’t like to select  more expensive package .we will provide A and B grade guest houses to match their budget

Negombo Fish market / Day 01(Sigiriya)

Meet and greet in the airport drive to Negombo fish market.Negombo is second larges city in western province.the fish market located near the negombo lagoon. Fishermans already start Fishes offloade from the boats before 5.00am.there are few wooden tables cut fishes easily and many kind of fishes as lobster, crab, prawns tuna,  even sharks.

Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage

A place you will really enjoy and never forget.Started in 1972 the Elephant Orphanage It was relocated to at the present Place in 1975 . You can see milk feeding , Bathing at Ma Oya just in front of the orphanage.

Ancient city of Sigiriya

The rock fortress regarded as the eighth wonder of the ancient world, was built by king Kassapa in the 5th century A.D and was royal citadel for more than one year. It is a complex of buildings, part-royal palace, and part fortified town, and water gardens on par with the best in the ancient world, constitute a magnificent and unique architectural feat of the ancient Sinhalese

Ayurveda Spa -(Night stay at Sigiriya)

The holistic approach to health,where body,mind and soul are inextricably linked,seeks to balance the body’s energies to ensure good health and a feeling of well-being.A comprehensive treatment includes massage,herbal baths,oil treatment and a special diet,as well as meditations,Yoga and music.Ayurveda is used to treat everything from stress to diabetes,migraine,asthma,arthritis and high blood pressure,helps boost the immune system and may even help delay the ageing process.

Ancient city of Anuradhapuraya or Polonaruwa: Day 02

leave from hotel 08.30 – 09.00 am

Ancient City of Anuradhapuraya

The Mahawansa is a very important historiography of philosophy in was made by monk of Mahanama.According to Mahawansa Anuradapura was build by major Anurada,as inhabited country 543 BC period of wijaya king. However king of Pandukabaya improved this village with so many facilities 382.BC Anuradapura is primus city in the world kept 1500 years continuously.

Ancient City of Polonnaruwa

Mahawansa said Polonnaruwa is second capital city in sri lanka.the Anuradapura first kingdom currently came down with many reasons.Specially they failed stabilize  the tendance in each regions  as south indian invasion.king of v Mihindu was conduct Polonnaruwa as administration center 1017AD.but he carried to india as a prisoner by Chola.Anyway king of parakrabahu was build the polonnaruwa as main economic center 1153 AD and he united  this motherland on that time.

Bullock cart ride and canoeing in Hiriwadunna lake  (Night stay at sigiriya)
Village tours
Village tours

Sri Lankan’s used bullock cart as a main transportation many years ago. also there are provide bullock cart with two bull go to’s 30 – 40 minutes and canoeing in the lake same time.(with life jackets)will be visit to chena (cultivated area)   meet farmers  get lunch or dinner as your request.

Elephant ride at Habarana  – Day – 03( Kandy )

leave from hotel 08.30 – 09.00 am

There are many Places providing Elephant ride safe and enjoyable.
Cave Buddhist temple of Dambulla

The old names are Dambulu lena,swarnagiri vihara with five’s located Matale district.The caves adapted maditation for monks period of walagamba(Watta Gamini Abaya) 104 BC.the statues and painting related to Buddha life and make colours with local raw materials.

Ancient temple of Nalanda Gedige

Nalanda gedige is a Stone Temple  look likes Hindu Temple . But  ,inside can see both Hindu God’s & Biddha ‘s statues .The First Build was 7 C -8 C by king Manabharana .As per popular usage there was a sign of the  beginning of sinhalese  in statue of Lion .

Ayurveda herbal  Garden (spice road) – (Night stay at Kandy.)

Many herbal gardens are both side of spice road.Srilanka Spices were very important During ancient times Greeks, Romans and the Arabic for trade.there are many kind of spices as cinnamon,cardamom,pepper,vanilla etc.

Royal Botanic Garden – Day 04 ( Kandy )

leave from hotel 08.30 – 09.00 am

Sri lanka larges botanic garden located Kandy Peredeniya.The history of botanic garden dates as far back 1371 AD when king Wikkrama bahu ascended the throne and kept court at near mahaweli river.Later, in the reign of king kirthi sri 1747AD to 1780AD this was made a royal garden and from 1780AD – 1798AD king of Rajadi Rajasinha resided therein.  The garden biggest 59 hectares and spices under cultivation  over four thousand and many kind of flowers.Read More

Kandy down town local market.
Kandy is second largest city in the country and, it is last kingdom in sri lanka.King of sri Wikkrama Rajasiha govern until 02nd march 1815.The city famous for shopping  as reason so many different kind of shops there and prices quite reasonable less than Colombo.


Culture  Dance

The dance is conducting with Sri Lanka’s culture it’s really interesting with drams,dance with fire,masks etc.

Tooth Relics Temple  – (Night stay at Kandy.)

The most excellent majesty holy place in the world with Buddhism. After the parinirvana of Buddha preserved relics by princes Hemmala and Dhantha.The period of king Kirthi Sri Megawarna (301-328AD) They arrived to island(the Place Lankapatuna)Kept relics at Isurumuni vihara(Megagiri viharaya) in Anuradapura.However,when was change kingdom also tooth relics kept different places as protection.Be Possibility visit there in the evening.

Gem Logical Museum and workshop  – Day 05 (Nuwara Eliya)

leave from hotel 08.30 – 09.00 am

Srilanka has the wide variety of precious stones among the world’s gem producing countries – blue sapphires,star sapphires,rubies,cat’s.garnets,moonstones,aquamarines and topazes being just a dazzling handful.

Handicraft Work Shop
handicraft workshop
handicraft workshop

there’s much in between .Visit a handicraft shop and familiarize yourself  with traditional designs such as makara(a mythical animal,lion,swan,elephant and louts which are most evident in brasswork (Boxes,trays,lanterns,vases) and silverware (ornately carved and filigree jewellery,tea-sets)that make excellent souvenirs.

Batik Factory

Batik is an art medium and methodology for creating design, usually on cloth, by applying wax to portions of the material and then dyeing it, then removing the wax. This can be done to make vibrant colors and incredible designs.

Ramboda water Fall

Ramboda Falls is 109m high and 11th highest waterfall in Sri Lanka and 729th highest waterfall
in the world

Tea Field and Factory   –  (Night stay at Nuwara Eliya.)

In 1824 a tea plant  was brought from China by the British and planted in the Royal Botanical Gardens, Peradeniya, Ceylon.Tea cultivation was established in 1867   by James Taylor in Sri Lanka, and is now produced year round  in the central highlands and southern regions of this beautiful tropical island. Based on the altitude at which it is grown tea is classified as high, medium or low grown teas

Horton Plains and Nuwara Eliya   Day 06 ( Ella )


leave from hotel 05.00 – 05.30 am
Situated at around 2000m above sea level and surrounded by lush tea plantations. Nuwara Eliya is the main hill resort of Sri Lanka and the heart of the tea industry. This city with an elevation of 6200 meters is the highest in Sri Lanka. Once a pleasure retreats of the European planters the town is still very much an English town with many English style bungalows and buildings.

Walk alone through the silent  plain of Horton to the end of the world. Stand 2,000 metres high,this park consists of open grasslands interpenetrated with umbrella shaped mountain forest patches .the plains are of  stupendous  beauty and contains most of the endemic plants and animals.

Train Journey / Nuwara Eliya to Ella (optional )  (Night stay at Ella.)

Most of visitors are enjoy with srilanken train journey   N / Eliya  to Ella. . The journey is fanny,  interesting with local people, and the track  is hillside with water falls,tea field etc.


Ella is a beautiful small village in Sri Lanka’s hill country. It has an almost perfect climate and occupies a very scenic vantage point, with Some of the places you could see in Ella are the Ella Gap, Ravana Ella Falls, Little Adam’s Peak and Bambaragala Peak among the other many varied pleasant walks with stunning scenery.

Buduruwagala Stone Temple.-Day 07 Yala

leave from hotel 08.30 – 09.00 am

Buduruwagala is an ancient Buddhist temple in Sri Lanka  and it’s a magical archeological site .The complex consists of seven statues  and the highest one 16 mtrs .The images including Mahayana tradition .The statues date back to 10 or 9  century AD .Close to the right foot of the Buddha is a hole in the shape of an oil lamp flame it’s rendered the history of unbelievable  sculptures of Sri Lanka .

Yala National Park – (Night stay at Thissamaharamaya.)

Yala is the second  largest and most famous National park with Yala West (Ruhuna) combining a strict nature reserve with the Park. Sri Lanka boasts the world’s largest population of leopards.Possibility  see  this national park Leopard, elephant and many smaller animals, sloth bears, deer, wild boar, buffaloes, crocodiles and monkeys. Birds are in profusion – up to 130 species.

Blow Hole – Day 08 (Mirisa,Ahangama or Hikkaduwa)

leave from hotel 08.30 – 09.00 am

Blow hole is located on the suthern Sri Lanka Coast .the Ocen water flows underneath the shore ,and then comes out of this hole due to Pressure .Water shoots up every Mimute or so , and it gives very serene feeling . The spray is often as high as 25m .Giving on lookers a Seabath on Land.

Light house at Devinuwara  (Night stay at Mirissa,Ahangama or Hikkaduwa.)

The Lighthouse was built by British in 1894 at Devinuwara (Dondra edge). It is about172 feets hight at sea level and considered as the largest lighthouse in southern Asia.

Whales and Dolphins Watching – Day – 09 (Night stay at Mirissa,Ahangama or Hikkaduwa.)

Whale and dolphin watching in Mirissa is one of the most exciting water activities you can do in Sri Lanka during your holiday.

Mirissa is the best place to start your whale and dolphin watching tour in Sri Lanka. In warm Indian ocean you can see Blue whales, Bryde´s whales, Sperm whales, Fin whales, sometimes Killer whales, and Common dolphins, Bottlenose dolphins, Spinner dolphins, Risso’s dolphins and Striped dolphins. Sometimes you can see turtles and various fish species, for example Bluefin tuna and flying fish.

Air Port Transfer  –  Day  10  (depend your Flight Time)

Gall fort

Galle Fort, in the Bay of Galle on the south east coast of Sri Lanka, was built first in 1588 by the Portuguese,then extensively fortified by the Dutch during the 17th century from 1649 onwards.

Sea corals garden

The Coral Garden here is considered to be the best out of all such coral gardens found in Asia.These corals are found in various forms , shapes and colours. They are a very fascinating sightcorals.especially when there is bright sunlight which gives a very clearer view of the corals.

River safari -Maduganga

Maadu ganga flows across Balapitiya  and is one of the rarely visited, unspoiled attractions any nature lover can find in Sri Lanka. She boasts of having a cluster of 64 small islands scattered along her path and the most of which are covered with mangroves and uninhabited.


Ms. Duddi K – Israel

We are a couple from Israel, and we were in Sri Lanka for our honeymoon in September 2012.
During the trip we were at UBR few nights. Excellent hotel, very high class and very accommodating staff. Recommended!

We were in Sri Lanka for two weeks, during which time we were with a tour guide / driver from Showlanka Tours. This is an excellent tour company with professional guides, pleasant, friendly and English speakers workers.
Even before we arrived they took care of all the necessary arrangements for the trip: Plan a route precisely to our needs and desires, reservations for the hotels we asked for according to the level and budget we wanted, tour sites tickets (if needed).
Hotel prices were always lower than what we have seen on online booking websites. In some cases, we wanted hotels that were fully booked (according to the websites), but our guide arranged a room for us just as we wanted…

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Mr. Edelchan – Germany

The easiest way to travels around the island is with your own driver – what is really affordable in Sri Lanka. The traffic here is nothing for our driving habits – better, one enjoys laid-back the surroundings and the life passing by. A specific feature in Sri Lanka: many lodgings offer a free driver’s accommodation. Our local travel agency Showlanka Tours and their driver knows them all and can give recommendations and take care of any reservation. To us our driver was during 3 weeks a good companion, interesting conversational partner and attentive careful driver. At the airport we bought on arrival a local pre-paid card for an old mobile phone we have brought. So we could always get easy in contact with our driver. In Sri Lanka also calls to foreign countries are relatively cheap. We enjoyed to stay in a mix of different kind of accommodations, in charming family-run guest houses, an old colonial house, an architectural jewel of modern design and a luxurious small planter’s house.

Today Sri Lanka is a miraculous and safe travel destination. We were astonished how much is to be discovered on such a small spot on earth not bigger than Bavaria: tropical palm beaches, lush green rain forests, botanical gardens, elephants and leopards Safaris, tea plantations in the chill humid highland, mountain landscapes with deep gaps and waterfalls, king’s sites, colonial culture beside Buddhist temples, living religions and ceremonies – and really good curry…

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Ms. Silverteen – S.W Wales

just returned from 14 nights in Sri lanka, our first time in SL and we loved it. Such a beautiful country from the Rolling hills of the hill country, to beautiful tropical beaches and fantastic wildlife.

First off i just want to say that 99% of the sri lankans we met were very friendly and respectful, even those selling were not pushy, but many were just keen to say hello and share a smile.

First off we flew from gatwick via dubai with Emirates, the flights were excellent, with just 2 hour lay over in dubai and the planes were superb, with excellent food and entertainment and comfy seats, We were even lucky enough to be upgraded to 1st class for free on the gatwick to dubai leg and it was a great start to our trip…

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Mr. Olav D – Norway

We were so lucky to spend 3 nights in a bungalow in Yala national park. It was more than fantastic. Our tour operator in Sri Lanka, Showlanka, had arranged this for us. It had been very difficult to get us booked in this bungalow as it is very popular. We can not thank Showlanka tour operator enough! We new from last year that there are too many jeeps in yala, and all the tourists go on the main road. This time as we stayed several days in the bungalow far away into the national park, we did not see any jeeps so we had quiet days only us and the wildlife. It was amazing to have spotted dear, leopard, wild boar, mungo, squirrels, monkeys, bats and civette cats among us, as well as the frogs, lizards and birds. From happy, happy norwegians Olav and Beate…

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Mrs. Miram

Currently we are finishing a two-week trip to Sri Lanka with a travel agency Show Lanka Tours, which provided a wonderful guide and driver Genco. Already the country they sent us a detailed plan of the destinations, attractions and hotels. We explained to them that we

View in Lametayel

Mr. Shteker

We drove a two-week trip to Sri Lanka and hired the services of a Show Lanka. The guide was excellent, patient, a good driver and knew every place where we wanted to go. The vehicle was large, comfortable and reliable. The guide spoke English so we got a great

View in Lametayel

Mr. Bar

Show lanka we organized a lovely week trip to Sri Lanka, do not forget all our lives. Cordial reception beginning time and date. Later we had an exemplary organization of the hotels where we (5 per week). We experienced a safe and relaxed driving

View in Lametayel